Monday, May 16, 2016

Beginning of the school year vs the end

The beginning of the school year vs end of the school year:

The beginning of the year we go on a 'school lunch shopping trip,' pick out a brand new lunch box from the Disney Store, and I pack as many food groups into my picky eaters lunch, cut the crust off her bread, tuck in a little note reminding her that I love her. The end of the year I toss in one of those crustable sandwich things and hope it's thawed by lunch, plus whatever else I can dig out of the cabinets (why hello there squished granola bar), fight with the zipper on that stupid lunch box, realize I forgot a napkin, don't want to fight with the zipper again so I figure she can just wipe on her shirt, and pat myself on the back for 100+ days of packed lunches.

Over the summer I start shopping for that perfect 'first day outfit' for both of my kids. I coordinate hair bows, shoes, and it's a bonus if the kids match one another. I write out all of their current hobbies and favorites on a chalkboard in different colors of chalk markers. I take lots of pictures. On the last day of school the kids end up in a random t-shirt and gym shorts, bonus if the top matches the bottom, I grab a highlighter and piece of paper for a last minute 'last day of school sign' and shove it in their hands for a quick picture.

The beginning of the school year I grab that book bag as soon as the kids are home so I can dig through all the papers. I get excited that they have to wear purple for anti-bully day and I remember to send money for the book fair.  The end of the school year I give that book bag stink eye, then several hours later dig through all the papers. Oh great, I've got to find a purple shirt for Relay for Life and dig up some quarters to send for the latest whatever is going on.

The beginning of the school year my kids are leaping out of bed, excited to see their friends. The end of the school year I am pulling them out of their beds hissing 'it's 13 years, I did my time and now it's your turn!'

The beginning of the school year my daughter loves riding the bus. The end of the school year she's asking to move to a different house so she can ride a different bus because she's 'over having an assigned seat and seriously mom why can't you just pick me up from school?'

The beginning of the year I'm all like 'oh let me know if you ever need me to come in and help!  I love being a part of the school!'  The end of the year I'm like 'yeah that slip that asked for volunteers...I lost it...I guess I won't be there...'

The beginning of the school year we sit at the table every night to work on everything in the homework folder, go over spelling words, read the library book. The end of the year we sit at the table and cram all the homework for the week into one night, we practice spelling words on the way to school, and the library book stays in the book bag so it can go straight back to school without getting lost.

The beginning of the school year projects we map out a plan, make lists, go shopping, and create. End of the school year projects we forgot about until last minute, run through house on a scavenger hunt, throw something together and pray.

The beginning of the school year the school supplies are purchased and replaced when needed. The end of the school year I'm like 'just because that pencil is an inch long doesn't mean it won't write!'

The beginning of the school year we meet our new teacher and begin new friendships. At the end of the year, we thank our teacher and enjoy the memories.

Here's to wrapping up one more school year!!!

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